I have the same experience with Pipenv as Nick’s. I would also guess
another reason is the lack of knowledge—this is certainly my own before
I get involved in Pipenv. There is barely any guide on how I should
implement such a thing, and my developer’s instinct would tell me to look
at a known implementation, i.e. pip. This also ties back to the problem that
pip uses distlib internally barely at all—had it used more of it, people might
be pointed to the right direction.

Migrating Pipenv’s internals from pip instead of distlib is actually the exact
thing I am thinking about when I raised the question. There are, as mentioned,
a lot of pieces missing in distlib. For example, distlib knows how to find a
distribution, and how to install wheels, but not how a non-wheel distribution
can be turned into a wheel. [1] It also has no functionalities on 
If I’m to glue together a working thing, I would likely need to copy/reimplement
parts of pip, but where should they live? Do I add yet another layer above
distlib to include them, or do I try to include them in distlib?

Although distlib provides a nice basis, I feel it is still one layer below what 
people want to do, e.g. install a thing by name (or URL). But would a 
design be too much, or should distlib have a high-level API as well?

[1]: Also, while I’m having your attention—I’m trying to use the pep517 library
as part of the solution to build an sdist into wheel, but I’m hitting a bug. 
you help review my PR? :p https://github.com/pypa/pep517/pull/15 


> On 19/9, 2018, at 17:17, Paul Moore <p.f.mo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, 19 Sep 2018 at 09:39, Tzu-ping Chung <uranu...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Risking thread hijacking, I want to take this chance and ask about one 
>> particular multiple implementation problem I found recently.
> I changed the subject to keep things easier to follow. Hope that's OK.
>> What is the current situation regarding distlib vs packaging and various 
>> pieces in pip? Many parts of distlib seems to have duplicates in either 
>> packaging or pip/setuptools internals. I understand this is a historical 
>> artifact, but what is the plan going forward, and what strategy, if any, 
>> should a person take if they are to make the attempt of merging, or 
>> collecting pieces from existing code bases into a workable library?
> Note: This is my personal view of the history only, Vinay and Donald
> would be better able to give definitive answers
>> From what I can tell (very limited), distlib seems to contain a good 
>> baseline design of a library fulfilling the intended purpose, but is 
>> currently missing parts to be fully usable on its own. Would it be a good 
>> idea to extend it with picked parts from pip? Should I contribute directly 
>> to it, or make a (higher level) wrapper around it with those parts? Should I 
>> actually use parts from it, or from other projects (e.g. distlib.version vs 
>> packaging.version, distlib.locator or pip’s PackageFinder)? It would be 
>> extremely helpful if there is a somewhat general, high-level view to the 
>> whole situation.
> Distlib was created as a place to experiment with making a
> library-style interface to various pieces of packaging functionality.
> At the time it was created, there were not many standardised parts of
> the packaging ecosystem, so while it followed the standards where they
> existed, it also implemented a number of pieces of functionality that
> *weren't* backed by standards (obvious examples being the script
> creation stuff and the package finder).
> Packaging, in the other hand, was designed to focus strictly on
> implementations of agreed standards, providing reference APIs for
> projects to use.
> Pip uses both libraries, but as far as I'm aware, we'd use an API from
> packaging in preference to distlib. The only distlib API we use is the
> script maker API. Pretty much everything else in distlib, we already
> had an internal implementation for by the time distlib was written, so
> there was no benefit in changing (in contrast, the benefit in
> switching to packaging is "by design conformance to the relevant
> standards").
> My recommendations would be:
> 1. Use packaging APIs always where they exist, even if a distlib
> equivalent exists.
> 2. Never use pip APIs, they are internal use only (Paul bangs on that
> old drum again :-))
> 3. Consider using distlib APIs for things like the locator API,
> because it's better than writing your own code, but be aware of the
> risks.
> When I say risks here, the things I'd consider are:
> * Distlibs APIs aren't used in many projects, so they are likely less
> well tested (that's a chicken and egg issue, people need to use them
> to make them better).
> * Be aware that they may not behave identically to pip outside of the
> standardised areas.
> * In particular, review the details of which locators you use - the
> default is very different from pip's process (although the results
> should be the same).
> I don't know what the longer term goals are for distlib. It's not yet
> really become the "toolkit for building packaging tools" that it could
> be. Whether there's an intention for it to become that, I don't know.
> In some ways I'd like to turn the question round - why didn't tools
> like pipenv and pip-tools use distlib for their core functionality,
> rather than patching into pip's internals? The answers to that
> question might clarify better what needs to happen if distlib is to
> become the obvious place to find packaging functionality.
> Paul

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