On Mon, 24 Sep 2018 at 16:32, Bernat Gabor <gaborjber...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm aware this might be a controversial subject, so let's have the initial 
> discussion about it here first for full disclosure and see what people think 
> about it. Should setuptools support pyproject.toml as configuration source or 
> not (alternative to setup.cfg which it already does - 
> https://setuptools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/setuptools.html#configuring-setup-using-setup-cfg-files)?
> The main benefit of having this would be to decrease configuration files and 
> have build dependencies and other types of dependencies in one location. 
> Furthermore many other packaging projects (flit, poetry) already do define 
> their dependencies inside pyproject.toml; so would create one unified 
> location where to look for such in the future.
> The counter-argument is that "a big part of pyproject.toml was keeping that 
> file clean" and would furthermore increase the size of that file down the 
> line.
> So what do people think? Should we encourage or discourage to have a single 
> python project file?
> I'm personally supporting build/code quality tools supporting pyproject.toml 
> as their main configuration file.

If you're talking about setuptools using the `[tool.setuptools]` table
for its own configuration, then that's precisely what it's intended
for. See https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0518/#tool-table. There's
no question that setuptools is a "tool" in the sense used there.

If you're talking about defining additional tables in the
pyproject.toml format, then that would require a PEP (from PEP 518
"Below we list the tables that tools are expected to
recognize/respect. Tables not specified in this PEP are reserved for
future use by other PEPs").

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