
First, my DITA to DOCX conversion is not customized, other than specifying 
parameter values.

Second, before I send samples, please let me know if your test included 
multiple glossary terms documented as one term per file or if you used one file 
with multiple terms. I used multiple files.

Thank you,

-----Original Message-----
From: Hussein Shafie <> 
Sent: Saturday, November 9, 2019 2:57 AM
To: Julie McHam <>
Subject: Re: [ditac] Issue with glossary entries

On 11/09/2019 01:32 AM, Julie McHam wrote:
> I'm trying to implement a glossary using the DITA to DOCS 
> Transformation (Xsl Utility 5.5.0 - I know, we're a little behind on our 
> upgrades).
> Anyway, the Glossary generates, but a Next Page section break is 
> placed after each entry. So, instead of having a Glossary of terms 
> with all the terms and definitions listed on a page or two, each term 
> and definition breaks onto its own page. I have to go into the Word 
> file and manually remove all the section breaks.  Can you please tell 
> me what is causing this and what I need to do to fix it? I have been 
> unable to figure out what is wrong.  Thank you.

Sorry but I really don't see how this could happen.

I used XMLmind XSLUtility v6.1 to test this (sorry but v5.x is no longer
supported) and it worked fine for me. No spurious page breaks in the generated 

May be you have customized the conversion of DITA to DOCX and your 
customization gets in the way.

If this is not the case, please send me a sample DITA document showing the 
problem and I'll try to help you.

My very simple test case is attached to this email. Also contains the generated 

I used this bookmap for my test:


   <chapter href="ch1.dita"/>

   <appendix href="a1.dita"/>

     <topicref href="glossary.dita"/>

I used this glossgroup for my test:
<!DOCTYPE glossgroup PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Glossary Group//EN"
<glossgroup id="glossary">

   <glossentry id="glossary-2">
     <glossterm>Term #1</glossterm>

     <glossdef>Definition of term #1.</glossdef>

   <glossentry id="glossary-3">
     <glossterm>Term #2</glossterm>

     <glossdef>Definition of term #2.</glossdef>

   <glossentry id="glossary-4">
     <glossterm>Term #3</glossterm>

     <glossdef>Definition of term #3.</glossdef>

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