lg.lindstrom wrote: 
> Hi
> I'm using a Reciver and a external DAC, the later capable of 24/196
> sound. Unfoutnatly the Reciver is not.......
> I've seen people setting up Squeezeslave on Rasberry Pi boards but that
> board dont have SPDIF out.
> Have anyone tested running Squeezeslave on a SPDIF capable Board...  ?? 
> (which Board)
> //lg

I use a PCM2704  board quite successfully with the raspberry pi.  It it
recognized with Raspian out of the box and plays flawlessly at only
about 10% cpu utilization.
I'm using it with the optical output.  You will need to override the
squeezeslave audio output device using the -o switch.  Find the correct
device with the -L switch. (It turns out to be 1 in the raspberry pi B. 
I recommend you look at the dmesg log to see if you have USB resets
going on.  I found the rPi gets unhappy if you have a USB 1.1 keyboard
and a USB 2.0 connected at the same time....it keeps resetting due to
the keyboard.  I use it as a headless player so no keyboard is
connected, and I use the lcd proc option to display the now playing info
on a 2x20 blue lcd, directly driven from the rPi GPIO pins.


It is only supposed to support 16bit up to 48k, but (guessing here) LMS
must be resampling, but plays 24bit FLAC files just fine.

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