Just wanted to put a note on here...that there are people actively
using this branch.  I've been using it since the beginning of
December...and have found it to work fantastically... ( well I did send
JP a bug report today ... with a sample project ... when he told me
this news ).

I do hope in the future to be able to pitch in on this branch and help
out ( I did submit a how-to dock in the wiki) ...but am under some
serious deadlines right now... so also wouldn't be able to devote the
time needed to fully understand everything quickly to take it over...
until I meet some deadlines in Feb/March

At any rate...I did want to chime in and thank JP for his help when I
was getting started...and tell him that this branch of the project is

On Jan 24, 3:50 pm, "JP" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm afraid that I am not going to have time in the future to continue
> maintaining and merging up themulti-dbbranch. It's diverged so far
> from trunk that any trunk change that touches management.py or models
> results in hours of hand-merging and svn detective work... hours that I
> just don't have to give right now.
> I'd hate to see the branch die, since I think it will be of use to
> people, so I'm hoping that someone else will step forward to take over
> ownership, until such a time as the branch is reviewed and merged or
> rejected. Of course I'll be more than happy to help the new maintainer
> get up to speed on the changes and new features in the branch, and will
> always be available to answer questions about it -- as much as time
> allows anyway. :)
> Any takers?
> JP

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