I'm working on a new component for my Django OpenID package which will
provide support for associating one or more OpenIDs with a
django.contrib.auth User. As part of this, I want to include the
ability to register for a new user account using an OpenID instead of
a password.

At the moment, django.contrib.auth does not support creating a user
account without setting a password.

OpenID is not the only use case where password-less accounts might be
warranted. Any application where authentication takes place against an
external source - for example, authenticating against an existing LDAP
provider - would also benefit from being able to create Django user
accounts without setting a password.

I propose the following changes:

1. The 'password' field in the User model should be altered to have

This would allow us to set blank passwords as an empty string. It
would not require existing installations to make any schema changes as
the column would still be NOT NULL.

2. user.set_password(password) should be altered to accept 'None'

If None is passed to the function, a blank string will be stored
instead of an encrypted password.

3. user.has_password() should be added

A simple utility method which returns True if the user has a password,
False if they do not.

4. check_password should ALWAYS return False if no password is set

This should help protect us from introducing any security issues with
these changes.

Does this sound like a workable plan? If so, I'd like to get the
changes in as soon as possible so I can wrap up work on the next
version of the OpenID package.



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