I think we have reached the dead horse phase of this discussion.
Since it has become so lengthy and confusing for some (at least for me
it has), I wanted to summarize what was accomplished.  Thank you all
for your responses.  I feel like I have a much better sense of
Django's current intended target use and I feel confident that I
understand and concur with the philosophy behind Django's database
paradigm.  Hopefully there were some positive points taken away from
the debate.  Disclaimer: The following summary is intended to be
tongue-in-cheek and is not meant to imply the opinions of anyone

user: Hi I'd like to be able to connect to multiple databases and/or
specify connections dynamically for my Django app.

response: Why would you want to do something like that? It's bad
design and it doesn't represent any real world scenarios.

user: I actually do have a real world scenario and I understand the
potential security and performance implications.  I want to plow ahead
anyway and I promise not hold the Django team responsible for any self-
inflicted damage.  Any suggestions for implemenation strategy?

response: This is not a feature that is a high-level priority for the
development team right now.  You are welcome to volunteer your own
time to try to tackle something like this.

user: Great! I'm ready to start working and was thinking that maybe
there were some helpful suggestions of where to look or what to watch
out for.

response: Why do you think the developers don't want this feature?  We
are incredibly eager to see progress made on this front. If you want
it in there go ahead and take the lead.

user: Yep, I'm all set to get started!  Anyone have any helpful hints
or guidelines?

response: Well first of all, why would you want to do something like
this?  Separating logical databases and allowing users to specify the
database account is just not something people should be doing with
modern technology stacks.

user: I completely 1000% agree that there are implications with these
types of usage patterns.  I was hoping to use Django in a few
situations where there is in fact a need for this type of
functionality.  While I'd love to both redesign the legacy databases
and convince the DBA that mixing framework meta tables into his
warehouse is a workable scenario, it is not feasible for our business
or timelines at the moment.  I love the cohesive feel and power of
Django and having invested time learning the framework I was simply
hoping to be able to spend my own time making some tweaks that would
allow for this type of use.  I was thinking that maybe some of the
more knowledgeable people in the community would have some helpful
pointers about how they would proceed if they were going to implement
something like that.

response:  We are very eager to have something like that and in fact
there is a branch out there that you are welcome to submit patches
for.  We just have too many people who abandon these branches and it
doesn't make sense for us to spend cycles on maintaining that right
now.  It seems like you are not understanding the commitment to
getting this feature implemented that we have and you should feel free
to take on the work yourself if you are passionate about it.

user: Ok understood.  I'd like to take a stab at it.  Does anyone know
offhand if there would be problems overriding the connection on a per
request basis?  Any gotchas?  It could be that the ORM would need a
significant overhaul to support something like this.  Any ideas?  I
was just thinking that before I volunteer my time and potentially go
down the wrong road, someone might have some insights to share.

response: What you're attempting is not something Django was designed
for.  Allowing an application to specify connections based on
application credentials is a dangerous practice. Overall you are
missing the point here. We want this functionality and we encourage
people to take the lead on functionality they'd like to see but no one
is stepping up to do this and this discussion is more or less

user: who's on first again?

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