On Mon, 2007-05-21 at 23:14 -0500, Gary Wilson wrote:
> Malcolm Tredinnick wrote:
> >> #3718 - newforms.Form.clean should have access to field errors [1]
> > 
> > I'm not sure what this really gains. Fixing the second part of #3896
> > means that all the necessary information is in cleaned_data. I'm -0 on
> > this, because I feel it's pretty pointless, merely providing more than
> > one way to do something (not a good thing).
> > 
> > Now convince me I'm wrong. What use-case have I overlooked?
> I would say that checking the errors property should be the one way to
> see if there have been errors, not checking that every field in my model
> has a key in cleaned_data.  Without access to errors, you're going to
> have one hell of an if statement with even a small form. 

Only if you code it badly. A for loop over self.cleaned_data works.

>  Add in
> non-required fields and things get ugly even faster since it's not an
> error if a non-required field has no key in cleaned_data.

*shrug* In most cases you're going to have to access self.fields in any

I'm still -0. But that really is -0 -- I have a slight preference, but
I'll manage to keep on living whichever way it goes; quite happily,
too. :-)

> Add in a subclass and now you've got the subclass having to know the
> fields of the base class(es).  Either that or a for loop looping through
> self.base_fields to check that every field is in cleaned_data.  Again,
> getting even uglier with non-required fields.
> >> #3896 - pass value to field specific clean function [2]
> >
> > Grr...don't put two issues in one ticket!
> >
> > I'm -1 on the first part because it's an unnecessary backwards
> > incompatibility change for the most part. It's not like it's a massive
> > performance improvement in an area that is currently slow.
> >
> > Definitely +1 on the second part, though. Removing the first assignment
> > to self.cleaned_data would make a lot of sense.
> I could have created a new ticket for the "self.cleaned_data retaining
> the value even if clean_XXX() fails" problem, but by taking out the
> first assignment to self.cleaned_data you *have to* pass the field's
> value to clean_XXX() since the value would no longer be in
> self.cleaned_data for clean_XXX() to access it.  I figured opening a new
> ticket would not be worthwhile, I could have been wrong.

I'm sort of convinced. I'd forgotten that you would access the value
through cleaned_data. We could still fix it in a backwards compatible
fashion: if clean_<fieldname> raises a ValidationError remove the value
from cleaned_data, but maybe it's not worth it. I'm  0 on the first part
and +1 on the second, then (since we can fix the second without the


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