I suspect the Unicode branch [1] addresses the issues you are having.
A few weeks back there was a call for testers as it is now feature
complete. I'd suggest giving that a try.

[1]: http://code.djangoproject.com/wiki/UnicodeBranch

On 6/19/07, vanderkerkoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello everyone
> I'm running django from the trunk, so using the most up to date
> version, python 2.5 with PyTextile 2.0.10.
> mysql5.0.2 with all settings to utf-8 and django content type is utf-8
> I'm overwriting the save command on events using newforms, we're
> textiling the input for an html field, here's what I mean.
> def save(self):
>         import textile
>         if self.body:
>                 self.body_html = textile.textile(self.body)
>         super(Event, self).save()
> it fails with this error
> Exception Value:        'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xb4 in position 0:
> ordinal not in range(128)
> Exception Location:     /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/textile.py
> in glyphs, line 2418
> My textile settings are
> # Set your encoding here.
> ENCODING = 'utf8'
> # Output? Non-ASCII characters will be automatically
> # converted to XML entities if you choose ASCII.
> OUTPUT = 'utf8'
> I tried changing my OUTPUT to ascii in textile but got the same error,
> so to me it looks like the form is sending a unicode
> series of bytes to textile which it can't understand.
> One way around this is to manipulate the self.summary prior to passing
> it to textile, like this.
> self.body = self.body.decode('utf-8')
> self.body = self.body.encode('ascii', 'ignore')
> This forces the passing of ascii to textile and it likes that alot,
> and works.
> But if a user now copies and pastes the dreaded apostrophe form word
> or another special character unique to word,
> it fails with this error.
> Exception Value:        'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\u2019' in
> position 5: ordinal not in range(128)
> Exception Location:     /usr/local/lib/python2.5/encodings/utf_8.py in
> decode, line 16
> If I run the super save earlier in the save definition after removing
> the textiling of the body section, and then
> call the data out of the database further down in the save definition,
> and then save it again like this
> e = Event.objects.get(id=new_id)
> if e.body:
>         e.body_html = textile.textile(e.body)
> super(Event, e).save()
> It all works fine, no encoding or decoding needed for pasted
> apostrophes or anything.
> Here's the paste of the relevant part of the form with certain
> sections commented out so you can see what I mean.
> http://pastie.textmate.org/71702
> I found this on the google groups form Ivan Sagalev
> To summarizes: your storage (a database) and your input/output (the
> web)
> really should use utf-8 to avoid problems with "strange" characters.
> If
> you deal internally with unicode (which newforms produce for you) then
> for now you should explicitly encode from it to utf-8 until Django
> starts doing it automatically.
> I've also been reading this thread on the google developers group, and
> I'm now completely confused as to what is going on.
> unicode issues in multiple tickets
> If anyone can tell me if there is some current status on this, or how
> it works right now I'd be really grateful.  If I have to encode and
> decode then I
> don't mind, not much anyway :-)
> >

Waylan Limberg

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