If your using auto_now_add, then you should want the date
auto-populated *every* time. If that is not the behavior you want,
then writing you own save method can easily give you the behavior you

Actually, in your case, you probably want auto_now_add's behavior all
the time. That is with the one-time exception of importing your old
data. The thing is, auto_now_add's inclusion or exclusion from the
model has no effect on the db, so while running your import script you
could have commented out or removed the reference to auto_now_add and
added it back after the script was done. Not that big of a deal
considering you'll likely never run that script again on that model.

On 7/4/07, Noam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I wrote a script to convert from an old database (turbogears) to
> django. It involved a few loops like this:
>     for oldm in messages:
>         newm = models.Message()
>         newm.date = oldm.date
>         newm.text = oldm.text
>         newm.save()
> After running the script, I discovered that all the messages in the
> new DB had the same date. This was very strange, because everything
> else was ok. This was even more strange, because this worked fine:
> >>> m = models.Message.objects.get(id=1)
> >>> m.date = datetime(2007, 4, 4)
> >>> m.save()
> It took me a very long and unpleasant hour to discover that it was
> because the date field had auto_now_add=True. I fixed my script, so
> now the loop looks like this:
>     for oldm in messages:
>         newm = models.Message()
>         newm.text = oldm.text
>         newm.save()
>         newm.date = oldm.date
>         newm.save()
> The conclusion is that auto_now_add should set the date only if it is
> None. Or, another solution: it should set the date upon instance
> creation, not upon saving.
> Do you agree?
> Noam
> >

Waylan Limberg

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