On 7/9/07, andybak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hopefully this is a suitable post for dev as I'm trying to work out if
> it's a bug worth filing or not. Apologies if it turns out to be user
> error...

In future, you should ask on django-users first. There's a better
chance of getting your question answered due to the larger audience,
and you can always escalate the discussion to django-developers once
you establish that the problem isn't between your keyboard and your
chair :-)

> The problem is that you can't enter a plaintext password here and have
> to user the '[algo]$[salt]$[hexdigest]' syntax.

I don't know what revision of newforms-admin you are using, but it
works as advertised for me on [5637]. The 'edit user' page has a field
for the password, which requires you to enter in hash format, but
there is a link in the password field help text that takes you to a
standard 'enter password twice' type field.

Russ Magee %-)

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