2007/6/23, Andreas Stuhlmüller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> As always, criticism, ideas and suggestions are welcome!

Ok let's go :-)

First of all, thanks for your awesome work, I eventually take time to
review it and it sounds exactly what I expected. Here are some random
thoughts about the current implementation:

* About users, how can I handle django users' permissions? John
Sutherland had already done some work on django-crudapi [1] and it
could be interesting to allow this access control.

* About dispatch, why don't you use the __call__ trick? Joe Gregorio
uses it in djangocollection [2] and I find it really elegant. That the
way Jacob Kaplan Moss describes RESTful web services in django too in
the RESTful Web Services book [3] (which I recommend BTW).

* About functions' names, I'm not fond of CRUD names and I prefer to
keep an information on the HTTP verb in the function name but it's
maybe personal.

* About verbs, I know this is not really GSoC related but what is the
recommended way to handle fake PUT and DELETE from a browser? The
HttpMethodMiddleware[4]? Maybe a simple form/deletion in the polls
application will be an interesting example for a real django case.

Best regards,

[1] http://django-crudapi.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/views.py
[2] http://djangocollection.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/djcollection/views.py
[3] http://www.crummy.com/writing/RESTful-Web-Services/
[4] http://www.djangosnippets.org/snippets/174/

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