Some time ago, I pondered the possibilities for sharing the dbsettings
cache across multiple processes in Apache and elsewhere. I ended up
just using Django's cache framework, and I finally received
confirmation that it does work properly. However, my original
assumption that locmem isn't multi-process seems to have some support,
given the response I got on the ticket (see below).

locmem certainly seems thread-safe, but as far as I can tell, the only
place that indicates that it's multi-process is its documentation. I
still don't have a multi-process setup with which to do any testing,
so I'm relying on the experience of others, and this message is the
only message I've gotten on the subject.

If it's not multi-process, should it be made so? If not, we should
modify the documentation to reflect this.


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Date: Jul 16, 2007 3:42 PM
Subject: Issue 5 in django-values: incompatibility with mod_python

Issue 5: incompatibility with mod_python

Comment #7 by [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
Thanks for pointing out the different cache backends! It finally
worked with db and
file backends (and, supposedly, will work with memcached). It did not work with
locmem and simple, though (which is strange since locmem claims it is

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