I normally hate to "ping" discussions on mailing lists, but two weeks
have passed, and I was hoping I could get an answer to the biggest
question facing this discussion. Adrian, could you clarify what you
meant by "loaded into memory" means exactly, in this context? Are you
referring to loading the code as part of a module, regardless of
whether it gets executed? Or is it about executing the code and the
memory overhead associated with that?

Getting an answer to this is key to asking additional questions about
the best way to approach validation of Field subclasses. I have a
workaround for pluggable FileField backends, which is what originally
started this discussion, but it'd be good to have this clarified so
that other subclasses can know how best to approach validation.


On 8/20/07, Adrian Holovaty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 8/20/07, Marty Alchin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Is there a particular reason this validation is being performed there
> > instead of in the __init__ of each Field subclass? I haven't looked
> > over the entirety of it, but it seems like that's going to be
> > something of a barrier to custom subclasses, if those subclasses
> > redefine any of those assumptions.
> There is indeed a reason: model field validation logic is in a
> separate module so that the logic doesn't have to be loaded into
> memory when you're using Django in production. As it stands, the
> validation code is only loaded when you use one of the relevant
> manage.py commands. Validation really only matters when you're
> developing.
> (By the way, this "don't load it into memory unless you need it"
> reasoning applies to a lot of the other stuff in
> django/core/management, like the code that makes "CREATE TABLE"
> statements, etc.)
> We *could* have our cake and eat it too, by adding a validate() method
> hook to the database Field class and have the default implementation
> import the full validation logic from another module. This would let
> people implement their own validation logic for custom fields.
> Adrian
> --
> Adrian Holovaty
> holovaty.com | djangoproject.com
> >

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