
I'm having difficulty reproducing this error, as the objects I create
from the admin save ok.

Can you provide the code for your model and/or a more verbose
traceback?  Are you using psycopg2?  Have you modified any parts of
the code, especially any GEOS components?

I ask because the GEOS geometries include the the __conform__() and
getquoted() routines which are used to provide the '%s' expansions for
psycopg2.  For example, "POINT(5 23)" would become
"ST_GeomFromText('POINT(5 23)', 4326)" -- and the call you posted is
missing any ST_GeomFromText() references.  While we used to use the
PostGIS canonical EWKT (e.g., "SRID=4326;POINT(5 23)"), I decided to
use the ST_GeomFromText() function because it should be agnostic to
spatial database backends, rather than exclusive to PostGIS.


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