Hey All,

Google and trac both show nothing on this kind of functionality. I see that 
contenttypes work like a Generic ForeignKey (many-to-one) but I don't see 
anything about ManyToMany.

Is there any work being done by anyone on this kind of feature? I have some of 
the details in mind, and if it isn't being worked on by anyone else, I had 
planned on starting work on it.

Basically, the concept is that generic m2m relations would be no more 
difficult than standard m2m relations:

class MyModel(models.Model):
        content = models.GenericManyToManyField()

The content field would work like any other m2m field:

>>> m = MyModel()
>>> m2 = MyOtherModel()
>>> m3 = MyThirdModel()

>>> m.content.add(m2)
>>> m.content.add(m3)
>>> m.content
[<model 'MyOtherModel'>, <model 'MyThirdModel'>]

Is anyone else working on something like this? Thoughts?

Dave Sullivan

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