2007/10/22, Jeremy Dunck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On 10/22/07, Antoni Aloy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > I had the problems with page cache, now I'm using this snippet
> > although it caches all the site, but I prefered that solution in order
> > to avoid to mantain a patched version of Django.
> >
> > http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/5691
> So, if you're using the low-level cache directly, I agree that this is
> an issue.  But I think most people use the middleware or decorators,
> and in that case, it should be OK.
> I commented on that ticket to the same effect.
No, previously on using the snippet I was using the cache decorator,
When I added the multilanguage option to my application I realized
that something was going wrong as some pages was'nt changing when I
changed the language.
That's why I say that having the language in the key would solve both
problems, the one that the snippet tries to solve and the one with the

I'm sorry about my poor english :(

Antoni Aloy López
Binissalem - Mallorca
Soci de Bulma - http://www.bulma.cat

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