I have an assertion statement in my urls.py. When it throws an
AssertionError I do not get it. Instead I get the ImproperlyConfigured
error like this: http://dpaste.com/26524/. I had to dig into the
django code to understand what's happening. I have checked the svn for
previous version of urlresolvers.py :
$ svn diff -r 6584:5681 urlresolvers.py

and it outputs the following:
--- urlresolvers.py (revision 5681)
+++ urlresolvers.py (revision 6584)
@@ -249,8 +249,9 @@
         except AttributeError:
                 self._urlconf_module = __import__(self.urlconf_name,
{}, {}, [''])
-            except ValueError, e:
-                # Invalid urlconf_name, such as "foo.bar." (note
trailing period)
+            except Exception, e:
+                # Either an invalid urlconf_name, such as "foo.bar.",
or some
+                # kind of problem during the actual import.
                 raise ImproperlyConfigured, "Error while importing
URLconf %r: %s" % (self.urlconf_name, e)
             return self._urlconf_module
     urlconf_module = property(_get_urlconf_module)

As from my point of view this is not correct -- the assertion is
decorated and it is hard to get what's going on. I've svn updated to
the previous version and now page behaves itself as I expect -- throws
AssertionError with a line number in urls.py. Shouldn't the new
version use VaueError as the previous version instead of the generic
Exception? Should I file a change request, bug or send patch? What
should I do to influence this behavior?
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