On 1/4/08, Brian Harring <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> One additional optimization point for signals is deciding whether
> connect(Any, f1)
> connect(Any, f2)
> Must execute f1, f2 in that explicit order- internally, dispatcher
> uses some nasty linear lookups that could be gutted if f1/f2 ordering
> can vary.  Never got any real feedback on that one, so have left it
> alone.

My opinion on this doesn't come from any particular expertise in this
area, but I would vote for the order of execution being undefined. The
point (as I understand it) of using signals is to encourage loose
coupling. Coding a set of listeners in such a way that their order of
execution is important seems like an example of tight coupling. Not
tightly couple with Django itself exactly, but the listeners would be
coupled to each other, by relying on an internal implementation detail
of something that shouldn't have anything to do witht hat coupling.

I say, if someone needs to care about what order two things are
processed, they should just register one listener and call the other
when the one fires.


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