Now that we actually have a working patch [1], there are a few details
I'd like to raise here.

Major Issues

Supporting dictionaries in form code
While we can have file objects that support the dictionary lookup to
make those backwards compatible, there's still the API of the forms
As an example, there are a lot of tests that look like::

   TextFileForm(data={'description': u'Assistance'}, files={'file':
{'filename': 'test1.txt', 'content': 'hello world'}})

This is an example of something using a dictionary instead of a
UploadedFile instance when using the forms. However, the forms should
*probably* be using the new fileobject API (use .chunks()/.read()
rather than ['content']), so that would mean they would break if fed a
dictionary like the above example. I see three options to deal with

 1. Leave forms code alone, causing (a) DeprecationWarnings and (b)
the files to be read into memory when saving.
 2. Modify the form code to access the attributes of the
UploadedFile, but on AttributeError use the old dict-style interface
and emit a DeprecationWarning.
 3. Modify form code to use the new UploadedFile object, but just
break on the old dictionary access as it's largely an internal API

Without thinking about it, I wrote the patch for (3) and modified the
tests appropriately. I'm now thinking people will probably want (2)
more. The other issue is what we should do with the tests. Should we
leave them? Should we copy them and create a copy of them for the new
style? Should we replace them with the new style?

Having upload_handlers be a list object
I know that .set_upload_handler() was really cool, but I've discarded
it to support multiple handlers (see below for details). So now I had
to think of what to replace it with. At first I thought:
.append_upload_handler(), but then I realized that I may want
.insert_upload_handler(), and .delete_upload_handler(). So before long
I realized that I just want people to have a list interface.
Therefore, I decided to just leave it as a plain old list. Thus, to
add an upload handler, you'd just write::


And to replace them all::

   request.upload_handlers = [some_upload_handler]

I've made a few efforts to ensure that it will raise an error if the
upload has already been handled. I know this isn't as simple as the
.set_upload_handler() interface, but I think it's the simplest way we
can support the list modification/replacement in a useful fashion.
What do people think about this?

(Mis)Handling Content-Length
There's probably not much room for argument here, but it's worth
asking a larger group. Currently when you try uploading Large files
(~2GB and greater), you will get a weird Content-Length header (less
than zero, overflowing). The problem is two-fold:
 1. We can't easily exhaust the request data without knowing its
 2. If we don't exhaust the request data, we get a sad Connect Reset
error from the browsers.
This means that even if we wanted to display a useful error page to
people telling them why this happened, it won't happen because we'll
just get Connection Reset errors. We can just ignore it, or we can try
modifying the request streams to set timeouts and exhaust the input.
My perusal of Apache docs tells me that there's discard_request_body,
but unfortunately even this seems to depend on Content-Length. Should
I/we just ignore this and expect people to be sane and upload
reasonable data?

Revised API

I was about to write a huge document that described the API in here.
But then I realized I might as well write it in restructuredtext. Then
I realized I might as well make it formatted like a Django document.
And can see the outcome at:

Let me know if you have any comments on the API. (Things like how it
deals with multiple handlers could be up for discussion.)


One last note: In order to test the API and everything, I created a
google code project 'django-uploadutils' [2] which I hope will become
a collection of upload handlers for doing common tasks. If anyone is
interested in helping out with this, I'd be happy to add you as a



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