Model inheritance is not there yet. You can take a look at the
queryset-refactor branch, since Changeset  7126 moder inheritance begun
to take shape.

The changeset also includes documentation about that. You can either use
this branch or wait until it gets merger to trunk.


El mar, 01-04-2008 a las 00:31 -0700, jurian escribió:
> I think I might have the wrong idea about model inheritance.
> I was using the 'newforms-admin' branch and implemented some model
> inheritance just to see if it works and it did. Well, let's say that
> it did what I had expected, or wanted it to do at the time.
> class X(models.Model):
>  x = models.CharField()
> class Y(X):
>  y = models.CharField()
> class Z(X):
>  z = models.CharField()
> produced the tables
> x(id, x)
> y(id, x, y)
> z(id, x, y, z)
> All I need to know is if this is some kind of fall-back till full-
> blown model inheritance is implemented, or if this is just a fluke.
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