El mar, 08-04-2008 a las 10:09 +0200, David Larlet escribió:
> >>    url(r'^(?P<slug>[-\w]+)/$', myview),
> >
> > Note that this example is more complicated than it needs to be. I'd
> > write it like this:
> >
> >    (r'^([-\w]+)/$', myview)
> In this case, what about a default dictionary of popular regexps? I  
> use it all the time:

Maybe the documentation refactoring could include an Appendix:
        "Introduction to REGEX" and "The regular expressions you'll find
everyday" or something like that.

With this, newcomers would have an introduction to regex (not everybody
knows it!) and a small cheatsheet with the common ones (\w, \d, ...)
http://www.marcfargas.com -- will be finished some day.

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