First, maybe an apology is in order?  I am sorry that if my post came
off harsh or chastising, my intent was to encourage.

"I think the comment is not harsh but very honest about the
current state of affairs, and this kind of candor is essential."

Agreed that candor is essential.  How come the candor in my original
post then is so unwelcome?  I wasn't trying to chastise, but
encourage.  I want Django to get better b/c I have been really
impressed with it so far.


The reason I pulled the quote "out of context" is because I wasn't
concerned with the rest of the post.  The phrase that bothered me was
"good deal of skepticism" and it doesn't seem to me that the phrase
was aimed at the user or his behavior but at running Django on IIS.
Its one thing to say, "we just don't have the resources available to
support Windows testing and development at this time but would welcome
someone else to contribute in this area."  Its a completely different
thing to say, "understand that IIS is far from Django's preferred
deployment environment and thus is likely to be met with a good deal
of skepticism." So, maybe you can help me understand why there is a
good deal of skepticism?

Lets try not to let this post degenerate into personal animosity.  I
am *very thankful* for the time and effort that has gone into Django
by the devs.  My concern is to make Django better.  FWIW, this post is
an attempt to contribute.  I have just started learning Python and
Django in the last 24 hours.  If this was a PHP project, I would be
happy to jump in.  As it is, my contributions are currently limited.

With the best of intentions,

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