
There are two things about get_NEXT/PREVIOUS_by_DATEFIELD() which I'm
not sure if a bug should be filled agains (almost sure anyway).

given a simple model like:

        class TestModel(models.Model):
                date = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)

m = TestModel()

Will fail with an exception which says "Cannot use None as a query",
maybe that error could be a bit more self-explicative, like "Cannot
query next/previous items without being saved".

Which brings up the other issue, when previous/next is called the
resulting query that Django will use includes two filters: WHERE (date <
self.date) OR (date < self.date AND id < self.id). I don't get the
reason for the second filter, but this makes next/prev unusable with
unsaved objects.

Is this second filter really required? Or could it be either:
        * Removed
        * Added only when the object has an id

In any case, the error when using both function on unsaved objects could
be a bit more explicative. I'll fill tickets and provide patches
according to your comments, so please, comment :)


http://www.marcfargas.com -- will be finished some day.

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