El mié, 11-06-2008 a las 08:45 +0800, Russell Keith-Magee escribió:
> Trac contains all the information you need. If a ticket is open and
> it's not assigned to somebody, then it's a safe bet that nobody is
> looking at it. If it _is_ assigned to somebody, but there hasn't been
> any activity (comments/patch uploads etc) recently, it's also a safe
> bet that nobody is working on it.

I would not be that sure on the last sentence, there are tickets that
have no activity for a while (i.e. the ones I own can be 5 months
staled) but they're not really abandoned, they're just waiting to move
from a state to the other and while the patches do not conflict with
trunk there are no changes.

To cite an example, I updated #3148 two weeks ago after 6 months only to
update the patch.

For that, contributing.txt has a section title "Claiming tickets". Maybe
it can be improved adding something like pinging the assignee (that is
now left to core developers). Maybe when #6320 gets in.

Something like changing:
        Core Django developers go through the list of claimed tickets
        from time to time, checking whether any progress has been made.
        If there’s no sign of progress on a particular claimed ticket
        for a week or two after it’s been claimed, we will unclaim it
        for you so that it’s no longer monopolized and somebody else can
        claim it.
To something like:
        If a claimed ticket seems to be abandoned you can ping the
        developer, with a comment on the ticket, to see if he/she is
        still taking care of the ticket or not. Leave some time, like 1
        or 2 weeks for the developer to respond and if you have no
        answer or the developer says he/she is no longer interested in
        the ticket either claim it, or unassign the ticket.
The only issue here is that only core developers can unassign tickets,
but atleast the pinging step can be performed by other people, thus
taking off some load from the core developers.

I'll wait for your opinions on that.

http://www.marcfargas.com -- will be finished some day.

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