I had a few comments on some of these and was going to post them to
the tickets so they don't get lost, but my browsers acting up and
closing when I try to login, so I'm posting here.

On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 7:58 PM, Jeff Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> * http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/2259 - I think the right action to
> take would be to make the PK editable=False. Modifying the pk, to me, seems
> like trying to relocate a c++ object instance in memory-- it sounds like a
> big pain and not that much benefit (none).

Agreed. If a user really wants to edit a PK, then they can either do
custom sql or add a new row and delete the old one.
> * http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/4996 - I don't know if it would be a
> good idea to make 'runserver' run as a daemon. Maybe it would be ok of there
> was a warning before forking.

The argument made in the ticket is that offering a daemon option for
runserver could give a false sense of stability of the dev server so
it doesn't belong in the core. That said, a use case was made for
adding it for dev purposes only. Interestingly, the last activity on
this ticket was before apps could add their own management commands
[6400].  Seeing the given use case is not likely to be used by most,
I'd say this belongs in a third party app (like perhaps
http://code.google.com/p/django-command-extensions/) and those few
people who have a valid need for it can still get the feature that

> * http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/6709 - I think this is a no-go. It
> would be overly complex.

If I'm understanding the request correctly, this could only be used by
forms that can only work with js. Generally speaking, creating an
interface that doesn't have a fallback when js is disabled is
considered bad design. Why would we add a potentially complex feature
only for the support of arguably bad UI design? Just a thought.

> * http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/6932 - Having a list of flatpages
> would be good. I am in favor of making them available to the templates;
> either in the RequestContext or a templatetag. Either way would probably be
> beneficial.

The current patch only adds the list of flatpages to the Context in
the flatpages view. However, a user could conceivably want access
elsewhere in his project. At the same time, we don't want to waste
resources on every request when it's not needed. A templatetag makes
the most sense to me. It could easily be loaded into any template and
used from any app. Additionally, while its a nice-to-have feature, I
don't see it as a pre-1.0 deal breaker. Anyone could add a templatetag
to there own app.

Waylan Limberg

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