Well, according to the python beginners book; "Dive Into Python" [1],
string formatting is less error prone as it also does type coercion
whereas string concatenation only works when all objects are already
strings. When it's possible that a user will be passing in parts of
the concatenation, I'd rather be using formatting for that reason

I had thought that I read from that same source that formatting is
faster than concatenation (and that's why I checked there before
responding), but I don't see that mentioned. Not sure where I got that
idea or if its even true.

[1]: http://diveintopython.org/native_data_types/formatting_strings.html

On Thu, Aug 21, 2008 at 11:41 AM, Joost Cassee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Just a quick question to set my head right for future Django
> contributions. Why is "%s/" % var better than var + '/'? I can think
> of some reasons: 1) consistency with other code, 2) certainty of
> string concatenation. But is the second expression not much faster?
> (This is an honest question, no criticism or anything.)
> Regards,
> Joost
> >

Waylan Limberg

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