On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 3:30 PM, Simon Willison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sep 10, 7:13 pm, "Justin Fagnani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> For application-wide db connections, I think it'd be much easier and
>> more portable to choose the connection in settings.py rather than in a
>> Model.
> That's a very interesting point, and one I hadn't considered. It makes
> sense to allow people to over-ride the connection used by an
> application they didn't write - for example, people may want to tell
> Django that django.contrib.auth.User should live in a particular
> database. Further-more, just allowing people to over-ride the
> connection used for an existing application isn't enough - you need to
> be able to over-ride the default get_connection method, since you
> might want to shard Django's built in users (for example).
> This in definitely one of the use-cases we need to cover.
> I'm not sure of the best way to handle it though. The way I see it the
> options are as follows:

Would this perhaps be easier to do after the Apps-Refactor (#3591)
lands? I'm not real familiar with that ticket, but if we're trying to
set a connection on a app level - that seems like the easiest way to
do it via settings.  Something like:

        app('django.contrib.auth', connection='my_user_db'),

Not sure how that would work for over-riding the default
get_connection method though. We'd probably still be referring to a
callable by 'dotted.path.to.a.function' syntax. And it would apply to
all models in an app, not just some.

Just a thought.

Waylan Limberg

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