Amit Upadhyay wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 5:17 PM, Ivan Sagalaev
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Amit Upadhyay wrote:
>>> This is not about specs or what is allowed, rather what is there in
>>> actual django. And about implementation goals for django. It is
>>> possible to have a django(core+contrib apps shipped with django) with
>>> only SELECT queries in response for GET request. So far I have
>>> identified two places and their work arounds. Are there more? They
>>> should be avoided, and if not possible documented.
>> For example you can't implement OpenID consumer without altering
>> application state on GET (actually logging a user in happens upon HTTP
>> redirect).
> Its necessary given openid spec I guess. Can it be worked around by
> not splitting GET/POST for urls starting with /openid/? Can a GET on

That's a pretty fragile test. What happens if I decide to start my URLs
with /Openid/, or /authenticate/openid/, or ... ?
> any request, thanks to some middleware maybe, write or writes are
> limited to one of few URLs? Such questions are not easy to answer
> offhand for someone who is using the app, and should be  can go
> somewhere in readme.scaling.txt/less frequently asked question for the
> app may be. Along with other resources, files/directories etc that may
> be used by openid consumer, from the point of view of scaling.
While I can see the generic desirability of GET requests not making
database writes there are always going to be exceptions. Let's not
pursue this as a purist goal, but rather for the sound pragmatic reasons
that have already been elucidated.


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