On Thu, Nov 27, 2008 at 7:20 AM, Tim Chase
> So I'm somewhere between -0 and -1 on the voting scale regarding
> forced/long-range Python-version deprecation.  But when a version
> becomes sufficiently dead weight, slowing down Django's progress
> like 2.3 seems to be doing, I'm +0 to +1 on dropping it with one
> Django-version worth of notice.  Once the decision has been made,
> release one last Django version with a "this is the last version
> of Django to support Python version X" notice (judicious timing
> of the discussion-to-drop shortly after an official Django
> release would help).

Well, the big impetus is, of course, Python 3, where the recommended
upgrade process is to get to where the software runs on Python 2.6
(which supports various 3.0-style things that previous 2.x releases
don't and won't) without warnings, and then use 2to3 to help manage
the final transition. Along the way, of course, we'll most likely need
to drop support for older Python versions and so a timeline of how
we're going to do that is a good thing.

Also, note that the timeline I proposed puts the final 2.6-only
support something like two years in the future, which should be plenty
of time for people to get ready and for the benefits of 2.6/3.0 to
become sufficient incentives that we'd want to be at that point.

"Bureaucrat Conrad, you are technically correct -- the best kind of correct."

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