> Refactoring Query.convert_values() into the backend operations would
> remove some code duplication, and would also serve to keep all the
> data coercion/typecasting code in a common location rather than
> spreading some of it into the Query class. However, there are two
> things that prevented me from doing this refactor.
> ...
> Secondly, contrib.GIS has a convert_values() function that invokes
> super(GeoQuery, self).convert_values() in the case of an Oracle
> spatial backend. Justin - is there any particular reason to call the
> GeoQuery base class specifically, rather than invoking
> self.connection.ops.convert_values()?

Yes, because your subset implementation of `convert_values` does not
convert LOB values (which GeoQuery needs).  Specifically, geometries
are wrapped in a function that returns a CLOB, and the WKT string is
obtained from a `.read()` call on the CLOB.

I'm -1 on moving conversion operations from the Query class to the
backend.  However, I'd be +1 if Query.convert_values is kept  -- even
if it's just a wrapper around self.connection.ops.convert_values.  If
the conversion functions are _only_ available at the backend level,
then it would mean I would have to create distinct spatial database
backends every time I want to subclass the convert_values() method.  I
don't want to have to create distinct database backends just so I can
override a single method (DATABASE_ENGINE='gis_postgresql_psycopg2'
looks pretty awful to me).

> Is GeoQuery likely to have a base class other than OracleQuery in the
> Oracle case?

No; unless, of course, the backend requires a custom Query class like
Oracle does -- which would mean any future backends without LIMIT/
OFFSET and spatial support would also subclass from the backend's
Query class.

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