> GIS is a bit of a special case; Justin Bronn is the maintainer there,
> and he and the rest of the GeoDjango contributors develop somewhat
> independently of the rest of Django.
> That said, they don't get any special exemptions in terms of timeline,
> so GeoDjango feature freeze is this weekend, too.
> /me looks meaningfully at Justin.

All of my features have been announced:


Realistically some of these features will not be in trunk by the end
of the weekend.  Fortunately the majority of them are already complete
in the GeoDjango 1.1 development mercurial, but are waiting more
review/testing, e.g., Aryeh won't be able to review the latest #9877
patch (a non-trivial enhancement) until the end of Sunday.   I'm going
to commit them anyway between now and PyCon, unless I'm forced to
sacrifice them at the altar of deadline technicalities.  I'd really
hate to tell those folks waiting for SpatiaLite support they'll have
to wait till 1.2 because I didn't prematurely commit the tickets by
midnight on Sunday.

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