I won't speak to most of this, since Russ and Jacob have said it all,
but I do want to respond to one point.

On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 3:55 AM, Russell
Keith-Magee<freakboy3...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> By simply checking that the template has a ``render`` method in
>> ``get_template``, we get the added benefit of allowing users to write
>> loaders that return custom Template instances, or Template instances that
>> use an alternative template language like Jinja or Mako.
> I'd be particularly interested in hearing Jinja and Mako users weigh
> in on this particular comment. If we can improve the accommodation for
> external template engines with a relatively simple change to our
> rendering, I'm all for it.

Mike and I talked about this a bit in IRC before he submitted the
patch, because I had looked into the topic fairly thoroughly while
working my way through Pro Django. I actually wrote up a template
loader that wraps up a Jinja template in a Django candy shell, but of
course it didn't work because the engine expected templates to be
strings. Prior to engaging in a long, beastly workaround (which I
admit was funky, but it worked and I'm fairly proud of it,
regardless), I did make a small change that allowed template loaders
to return Template objects, which worked fine for both Django
templates and (wrapped) Jinja templates.

Of course, it was getting down to the wire on Django 1.0 at the time,
so I didn't submit the patch for review or anything, I just went ahead
with the workaround. So, I won't pretend to be from the Jinja or Mako
camp, but I can speak from experience that Jinja templates can be
achieved with just the small change Mike included in the larger issue
here. In fact, the interfaces are so similar, it would *almost* work
even without the extra wrapper around Jinja templates. The only real
trouble is that their contexts work differently, so it's not a perfect
match, but with the right template loader, the conversion is fairly

Anyway, I hope that perspective helps, but I also look forward to
hearing from people with Jinja/Mako/etc experience, to see if this
addresses any needs I may not have considered during my testing. If it
ends up working as well as it did for me last year, I think this one
feature alone will be well worth including, even if the caching stuff
has to be delayed because of concerns over template tag state.


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