Sigh! I guess I sent this out a little prematurely.

On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 3:50 PM, Waylan Limberg<> wrote:
> 2. Implement ticket #11625 -- Add admin actions to the comments admin.
> 3. Using a proxy model and custom manager, create a second admin
> instance which only lists comments in moderation and offer the
> same admin actions as in 2 above.
> 4. Incorporate the existing views into the admin by extending the
> base get_urls() method to point to them.
> The other piece that is missing IMO is a way to make those admin actions
> available on an individual comment. Some times, one actually needs to
> read the comment to know if it is spam or not.

Actually, implementing option 4 would accomplish this. The fact is,
the existing (undocumented) list view is not needed in the admin as
option 2 or 3 would fill that need. Therefore, the only views that we
would need to map to admin urls would be the `approve` and `remove`
views. We just need a custom template for the add/change view which
adds the respective buttons next to delete, save, etc.

The common code between the admin actions and the approve & remove
views could be factored out into a couple utility functions which,
along with the proxy model with custom manager (from option 2) would
provide enough for some one to implement there own non-admin solution.
That is, if that is even a goal.

So, the question is, whether we go with option 2 or 3 (and add option
4), do we want to remove the existing undocumented views and templates
for listing and acting on the moderation queue? Or do we want to leave
them in (and undocumented) as an example of how it could be done? Of
course, I'm assuming we are not concerned about backward compatibility
as none of this has yet to be documented. However, if might be nice to
depreciate it first for those who dug into the code and are using it.

\X/ /-\ `/ |_ /-\ |\|
Waylan Limberg

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