The proposal and motivation are essentially the same as in the last  
thread [1] and the ticket description [2]. I put it on the 1.2 feature  
I tried to split my patch into smaller, more readable commits here:
I haven't converted defaulttags, loadertags and django.templatetags.*  
yet to show that it's (mostly) backwards compatible (see below). It  
would be useful to decide on some questions in the "API Design .."  
section below first.

I'll summarize the core ideas again as well as problems and pending  
design decisions.

Concepts: Expressions and TokenStream
Variable and FilterExpression will be deprecated as they require the  
caller to know the length of the expression in advance. This makes  
whitespace handling cumbersome and some syntactical constructs really  
hard to parse (e.g., the {% url ... %} parser is broken by design).  
Instead there would be a tokenizer (currently named TokenStream) that  
lets you read expressions from a stream of tokens - this would replace  

 >>> bits = TokenStream(p, 'url views.client_action,action="update",num=3').tokens; bits
[('name', 'url'), ('name', 'views.client_action'), ('name', 'id'),  
('char', '='), ('name', ''), ('char', ','), ('name',  
'action'), ('char', '='), ('string_literal', '"update"'), ('char',  
','), ('name', 'num'), ('char', '='), ('numeric_literal', '3')]

Now, instead of explicitly constructing a FilterExpression object you  
would simply call `bits.parse_expression()` and would get back an  
object with a `.resolve(context)` method (a subclass of  
django.template.expressions.Expression) that represents a Literal,  
Variable (called Lookup), or FilterExpression. For compatibility  
issues see "Variable vs FilterExpression" below.

A TokenStream can be read via the following api (the current stream  
position is called `offset`).
Low level API
``def pop(self)``
Returns a pair (tokentype, lexeme) and offset+=1; tokentype is one of
"string_literal", "numeric_literal", "char", "name".
``def pop_lexem(self, match)``
Returns True and offset+=1 if the next token's lexeme equals `match`.
Returns False otherwise.
``def pop_name(self)``
Returns the next token's lexeme and offset+=1 if its tokentype is
"name". Returns None otherwise.
``def pushback(self)``
High level API
These methods raise TokenSyntaxError and leave offset untouched if
the expected result cannot be parsed.
Each accepts a boolean required=False kwarg which turns
TokenSyntaxErrors into TemplateSyntaxErrors if True.
``def parse_string(self, bare=False)``
Returns the value of the following string literal. If bare=True,
unquoted strings will be accepted.
``def parse_int(self)``
Returns the value of the following numeric literal, if it is an int.
``def parse_value(self)``
Returns an Expression that evaluates the following literal, variable
or translated value.
``def parse_expression(self)``
Returns an Expression that evaluates the following value or
``def parse_expression_list(self, minimum=0, maximum=None, count=None)``
Returns a list `e` of expressions; minimum <= len(e) <= maximum.
count=n is a shortcut for minimum=maximum=n.

Variable vs FilterExpression
I could only find documentation for Variable. If the internally used  
Parser.compile_filter() is indeed undocumented there is no official  
way to use FilterExpression in custom tags. If that means that  
FilterExpression.resolve() behaviour doesn't have to be backwards  
compatible, that would help a lot ..

1.) Currently `Variable("unresolvable")` and  
`FilterExpression("unresolvable", p)` resolve differently: Variable  
raises VariableDoesNotExist and FilterExpression returns  
TEMPLATE_STRING_IF_INVALID. Except when `ignore_failures=True` is  
given. But `FilterExpression("foo|cut:unresolvable", p)` will again  
raise VariableDoesNotExist - regardless of `ignore_failures=True`.

My Expression implementation unifies these behaviours: If any part of  
an expression is unresolvable a LookupError will be raised.  
`ignore_failures` will be deprecated but there's a resolve_safe()  
method on the Expression base class that reads:

     def resolve_safe(self, context, default=None):
             return self.resolve(context)
         except LookupError:
             return default

This would be a small backwards incompatible change. I have one  
failing test (exception02) because the ExtendsNode implementation  
depends on the current FilterExpression behaviour.

2.) Currently `Variable("a._hidden")` works - but  
`FilterExpression("a._hidden", p)` raises a TemplateSyntaxError. This  
would be unified: lookup parts may not start with an underscore. If  
it's not acceptable to break bc here leading underscores might simply  
be allowed.

3.) Numeric literals ending with "." are currently treated as  
Variables. The following test (ifequal-numeric07) succeds because  
`ignore_failures=True` in IfEqualNode suppresses the inevitable  
VariableDoesNotExist exception and then compares None to 2: ('{%  
ifequal x 2. %}yes{% endifequal %}', {'x': 2}, ''). My current  
implementation raises a TemplateSyntaxError as soon as it encounters a  
numeric literal with a trailing dot. This could easily be made  
backwards compatible if it's considered worth it.

API Design, Class Based Parsers, Combinable Mircorparsers
To be backwards compatible my original idea was to wrap TokenStream  
based parser functions with a decorator:

     def mytag(parser, bits):
         exp = ts.parse_expression(required=True)
         if not ts.pop_lexeme("as"):
             raise TemplateSyntaxError, "'as' expected"
         name = ts.pop_name()
         if not name:
             raise TemplateSyntaxError, "identifier expected"
         return MyNode(exp, name)

But regarding Malcolm's request 'Helper methods that make it easy for  
the common cases to say "I expect three paramters matching the 'x y as  
z' pattern where x and z are strings and y must be an integer" would  
be very handy.' [1] class bases parsers looked promising. They would  
be resusable:

     class ExpAsNameTagParser(TagParser):
         def parse(self, parser, bits):
             exp = ts.parse_expression(required=True)
             if not ts.pop_lexeme("as"):
                 raise TemplateSyntaxError, "'as' expected"
             name = ts.pop_name()
             if not name:
                 raise TemplateSyntaxError, "identifier expected"
             return (exp, name)

register.tag('sin', ExpAsNameTagParser(node_cls=SinNode))
register.tag('cos', ExpAsNameTagParser(node_cls=CosNode))

And with some kind of microparser infrastructure:

register.tag('sin', TagParser(microparser.expression + "as" +, node_cls=SinNode))

But then we should also have microparser.optional(), a | b, ... and  
soon a clone of pyparsing. Luckily this can be implemented later on  
top of the basic API - and would work as external code. If class based  
parsers are the preferred approach TokenStream might be renamed to  
TagParserState (or something similar) to make clear that it is not a  
stream of Token instances.

* {% url ... %}, {% ssi ... %} currently accept unquoted literal  
strings. This will continue to work but the preferred syntax will use  
properly quoted strings. This may one day allow for viewnames and ssi  
paths that come from expressions.

* {% if not %} would fail with my current implementation. This is  
fixable. But I'm not sure it's worth it: not/and/or should be keywords  
in the context of boolean expressions.




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