On Sep 29, 2:24 am, SeanOC <sean.b.ocon...@gmail.com> wrote:
> During the Djangocon sprints I started to work on a patch which would
> add a nicer interface for dealing with raw SQL queries.  While there I
> talked to RKM about where it should fit into the ORM API and where in
> the code base should live.  I've finally gotten around to finishing
> the code I wrote during the sprint and have posted a patch to the
> related ticket (http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/11863).  You can
> also get the code fromhttp://github.com/SeanOC/django.

I'm a big fan of adding this feature - I firmly believe we should be
encouraging people to roll their own SQL where necessary (it's the
ultimate answer to complaints about missing features in the ORM), and
I don't think just telling them to instantiate their own cursor is a
good enough answer.

It's worth talking to Jacob about this - last year he had something
like this in a private branch, but I don't think he ever released it.


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