On Sep 29, 9:36 am, Vinay Sajip <vinay_sa...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> Simon, I'm the author of Python's logging package. Sorry for the delay
> in replying, I've been away from this list awhile. I think the "Java
> heritage shines through" is just FUD.

Hi Vinjay,

Thanks for dropping by. Firstly, I'm sorry for disparaging of your
work. I mis-spoke when I said the logging module wasn't "nicely
designed" - I obviously don't believe that, since I'm very keen on
including it in Django. I should have picked my words much more

The point I intended to make is that using the logging module
correctly requires quite a lot of knowledge on the part of the
developer - there's a lot to understand in there. When I talk about a
"thin wrapper" for Django really I'm really just talking about smart
defaults - ensuring that Django users can start using logging without
needing to know anything more than "import this and call the log.error
() method", but that the full power of the logging library is still
available once they need it.

So again, I apologise for my extremely poor choice of words - that was
decidedly unclassy. I'm excited that you're interested in helping us
integrate logging with Django in the best possible way.



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