Russell Keith-Magee kirjoitti:
> On Fri, Oct 9, 2009 at 11:22 PM, Jacob Kaplan-Moss <> wrote:
>> On Fri, Oct 9, 2009 at 9:41 AM, Rob Hudson <> wrote:
>>> * How do people feel about a tutorial that covers a complete site?
>> Well, in grand Django tradition, by suggesting this, you've
>> volunteered to be in charge :)
>> But sign me up as an editor (language and code), at least, and I'll
>> try to help out by writing some sections, too.
> Hi Rob,
> I started to write a reply too, and then realized I was just writing
> "hell yeah" after each of Jacob's paragraphs. So I decided to stop.
> :-)
> The only point I though I would elaborate on is the specific example
> for the tutorial. I agree with Jacob's comment that a pastebin is a
> bit of an esoteric example. There's also value in diversity - every
> extra example is one more sample site people can use as a point of
> reference. Having 2 pastebin examples floating around the community
> doesn't help much, but having a pastebin and something else adds some
> value.
> My immediate reaction was that a blog engine is the natural example.
> It allows you to expose date-based generic views. You can use
> contrib.comments. You could show integration with any number of 3rd
> party apps. You could even demonstrate the transition to Pinax. The
> problem space is well known and well understood. Plus,
> write-your-own-blog-engine is a running joke in the Django community.
> :-)

Time of my learning I wondered this part - why always blogs. I don't 
want to write blog engine... :)

> That said, Jacob's bikeshed comment is also completely accurate. You
> build it, you get to choose. There's also something to be said for
> having a tutorial that doesn't duplicate the capabilities of any
> number of existing pluggable applications.

I can also lend my small hand. I've recently (last spring) gone through 
learning curve how to use (Geo)Django and how to get at least decent 
(IMO) system up and running.

I live in world of GIS. My projects are not traditional web apps, like 
blogs, pastebins. Personally I found a bit hard to find information that 
goes much beyond standard blog engine or simple forum. Also few 
surprises came along the path to where I am now.

And of course got some "why this wasn't mentioned in tutorial" moments.

Jani Tiainen

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