On Oct 10, 2:04 pm, Ned Batchelder <n...@nedbatchelder.com> wrote:
> My strong feeling is that these two goals will quickly become impossible
> to reconcile.  I think the idea of a conference site is a good one
> (everyone will understand the problem domain, lots of interesting
> avenues to explore, it's not yet-another-blog), but aiming for it to be
> the actual site used for DjangoCon will not work in the long run.

I absolutely agree that aiming for the site produced at the end of the
tutorial to be the exact site used for DjangoCon will lead to both
goals being fulfilled poorly, but I still think they can be addressed
at the same time. Build out a basic conference site for the tutorial,
then use that as the basis for the full DjangoCon site (which can fork
off from the tutorial to add more features). I'd love to see the final
DjangoCon site being open source and demonstrating Django best

That said, until we hear from the DjangoCon organisers we won't know
if this is a good idea from their point of view.


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