On Oct 12, 2009, at 11:04 AM, Simon Willison <si...@simonwillison.net>  

> On Oct 12, 9:03 am, Benjamin Slavin <benjamin.sla...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> That means: I'm strongly in favor of any hook to allow code to be run
>> before the Django environment is setup, and I'm not tied to any
>> particular path of solving the problem.
> a very useful step one would be to go
> through and document exactly how Django initialises itself at the
> moment - what loads in what order, when are settings evaluated, what
> bits of Django actually look at INSTALLED_APPS etc.

It's a bit dated now, but this might be a useful place to start.


Also, I bet Marty knows this area well from his book work. 

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