On 10月19日, 下午4时34分, "Michael P. Jung" <mpj...@terreon.de> wrote:
> > There is a templatetags {% include 'x.html' %}, it's very nice.  may a
> > templatetags like {% include no-parse "x.html"} is needed. It's so
> > powerful to improve the speed of include some static files which has
> > no variable,and it's so easy for you guys, isn't it?
> It'd be very easy to add an template tag that just includes raw data
> from a file. Though I have to comment that this might not be neccesary
> for two reasons:
> 1.) The Django templates parse fast and if you're not including an
> extremely large HTML file it should handle it with ease. I've never
> managed to create a CPU bound application, as the database was always
> the slowest part. If you really worry about the template performance so
> much you might be best of switching to some alternative template
> technology like jinja2, which is told to be faster. (*)
> 2.) The include tag inlines the included template if it's specified as
> string. So if you cache your template instances and don't regenerate
> them on every request it will get even faster. Only the first request,
> which hasn't cached the template yet will have to parse it once.

How can I cache the sub-template witch is included in the main
template? And how can I ensure it won't be render(parse) the next

> (*) Even the jinja2 page states: "Generally speaking the performance of
> a template engine doesn’t matter much as the usual bottleneck in a web
> application is either the database or the application code."
> --mp
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