On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 2:22 PM, mrts <mrts.py...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Django Bug Days
> ---------------
> At regular intervals, say twice a month on Saturdays,
> set aside 2-3 hours for IRC-based bug hunting sprints.

If we do this, I think the time slot should rotate to allow different
timezones to participate; +6 hours each occurrence?

> Devs list tickets that they want people to work on and
> people are free to suggest their own.  Work is done over
> longer periods, but the bug days provide an occasion to
> get feedback from the devs.

I think, really, any ticket without "has patch" or with "patch needs
improvement" is that list.  Asking the core devs to pick bugs to focus
on is sort of defeating the purpose; we're trying to grease the
wheels, not give core more to do.

> The patches will perhaps not be integrated into SVN but to a
> branch on a DVCS (see the next suggestion).

git clone http://github.com/django/django/
git checkout -b bughunt-<ticket#> master
#patch, w/ docs and tests
#update code.djangoproject for ticket#, pointing to repo's commit?

Core, is this really an improvement over patches attached to tickets?

> Added benefit: if nobody shows up, they have no right to
> grumble on the mailing list :).

...Until someone feels frustrated that *this* isn't incorporated fast
enough.  :-/

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