On Sun, Dec 6, 2009 at 2:57 AM, Tobias McNulty <tob...@caktusgroup.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 5, 2009 at 8:40 AM, Russell Keith-Magee
> <freakboy3...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> * Why have all the tests migrated to the Django system tests? This is
>> a contrib app - the tests should be internal to the app.
> They were moved to facilitate inclusion of a more complete test suite
> with a test urls.py and views.py that make sure all the plumbing works
> together.  In short, I wanted a way to make use of the test Client
> without including the dummy code in the distribution.

That doesn't require deployment into the system tests. Witness the
contrib.auth tests; they define both views and urls that are only used
during the testing process.

> I think it has also been discussed elsewhere; that some would prefer
> not to deploy the tests with the production application - one more
> reason to keep them in 'tests' instead of in the contrib app.

I disagree with this approach. If you're deploying code, you should be
deploying anything that can help you validate that the code you're
deploying actually works as intended. There is a bigger argument here
about application and integration testing, which has been raised
previously [1].

[1] http://groups.google.com/group/django-developers/msg/dba95d9702b8b5cd

> From what I can tell, this seems to be in line with what some of the
> other contrib apps are doing, such as admin and comments.

admin and comments are bad examples here. They're in the system tests
for a different reason - they require test models. i.e., you can't
display an admin interface unless you have models to display. Django's
app-level testing facilities don't provide for test models (yet - see
#7835), so the admin and comments tests need to be in the system test

>> * I don't know why I didn't pick this up earlier, but the emerging
>> convention for pluggable backends is for the user to specify the name
>> of the module, and for the module to have a predictable class name.
>> i.e - each storage backend module should have a "StorageEngine" class,
>> and the user specifies the name of the module. There is also an
>> emerging convention to call the pluggable bits 'backends', rather than
>> picking a name like 'storage'. Net result: the user should be
>> configuring MESSAGE_BACKEND="django.contrib.messages.backends.user_messages"
>> rather than
>> 'django.contrib.messages.storage.user_messages.LegacyFallbackStorage'
> Really?  Files definitely seem to be more on the "storage" side of things:
> http://code.djangoproject.com/browser/django/trunk/django/core/files/storage.py

The problem we have here is that we have all sorts of inconsistencies
introduced by history. Yes, files and templates use function/class
level specifiers, but db, session, cache, and email all use module
level specifiers. Module level specifiers have the majority at this
point, and personally, I prefer the module approach - it shortens the
user configuration strings, and it enforces good usage of modules.

My point is that I think we should pick an approach and stick with it.
Long term, we should aim to be consistent. For example, #6262 gives us
the opportunity to normalize template loaders into a common scheme.

> Other than the question about renaming storage -> backend I think we
> are close to prime time.  Let me know what you think.

I agree (though I'd also put the test location on that list). Although
both require code changes, they aren't major code changes. Modulo
those changes, I'm happy.

Russ Magee %-)


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