On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 1:05 PM, Jeremy Dunck <jdu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 12:56 PM, Alex Gaynor <alex.gay...@gmail.com> wrote:
> ....
>> This line of reasoning makes 0 sense IMO.  Your argument is people
>> provide sub-par patches because they think trunk moves too quickly,
>> and a committer will need to rewrite it anyways.
> OK, I declare bikeshed.
> I'll run the experiment as Russ suggested, and we'll see if it does
> any good.  :-)

Here's my report--

The Dallas sprint had 10 people participating for various amounts of
time. About half were comfortable enough with git to participate in
the queue.  I think we closed got about 8 patches ready; 5 went into
my queue.  After I reviewed them, I marked them ready-for-checkin in
trac, attaching the relevant diffs.  I'd intended to publish my merge
queue at the end of the sprint, but I had reservations about one
ticket -- 11753.  By the time Jacob and I had gone back and forth
cleaning that up, a couple of the other tickets in my queue had been
checked in and closed.

At this point, I don't think it's worth having the queue merged as a
special dance, since there's only a couple small diffs outstanding and
they are also in trac.

Though the queue wasn't used for merging into SVN, it was still useful
to me in the sprint coordination role.  It served as a list of patches
ready for my review and facilitated iteration on the patches with

It also served, just now, as a handy checklist to see that people's
work got committed and that I did an OK job of marking things ready.
I think this kind of positive feedback is good for sprinter morale.

If anyone has specific questions on the process or utility, let me know.


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