On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 8:36 AM, Honza Král <honza.k...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I just hate the name save(commit=False) when it has nothing to do with
> saving or committing, it just DOESN'T call save, it's imho misleading.
> I understand why that is and how it came to be, I just don't like it.
> I wasn't, however, proposing we get rid of this feature, just that we
> extract it to a separate method or just tell people to use
> form.instance (which is all what it does + creating save_m2m which can
> be put elsewhere).

There is /a lot/ of code that relies on this naming and, while it might not
be the greatest name choice in the world, it's one you get used to after
making use of it time and time again.  I'm fairly certain the 'commit'
argument is not the only instance of imperfect naming in the Django core,
and fixing all of these would leave Django users with a relatively
insurmountable quantity of deprecated code.  Frankly I'm not sure it's worth

Tobias McNulty
Caktus Consulting Group, LLC
P.O. Box 1454
Carrboro, NC 27510
(919) 951-0052
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