Hi all!

My name is Jesus Mager, and I'm student at the National Autonomous
University of Mexico.I am interested in  in taking part of Google
Summer of Code for the diango project.
The Customizable Serialization sound a good idea. Django have actually
a really fine system, so we can handle xml, json and yaml
serialization that are hard-coded in different files.
If I don't miss some thing, Django should now have a class, maybe
using the same serializers class that handle the different formats.

from django.core import serializers
data = serializers.serialize("xml", SomeModel.objects.all())

Where "xml" indicates that serializer will use xml_serializer.py. To
customiz these, the serialize object should use some methods that help
the I/O of the different formats, and the whole proceeding can be
written in a XML file. If customize class is initiated with the
argument "format" then __init__ will load the respective xml file (if
any) that indicates how to handle the serialization and
deserialization. Its just a idea. I hope we can discuss it.
I know that google don't have yet made the mentor organizations
selection but I hope Django will be again a mentor organization
because It is a really cool software.
A last issue. Is these the correct list, or should I use the gsoc special list?


Jesus Mager

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