On Apr 9, 9:06 am, Russell Keith-Magee <freakboy3...@gmail.com> wrote:
> No - Array types aren't available everywhere. However, it would be
> nice to be able to support them (even if not in core); if this GSoC
> lays the groundwork to make this possible, then it's worth looking at.

We already implemented a ListField in django-nonrel which is backend
independent. This can be used as a starting point.

> I was more interested in the m2m issue - the 'natural' way to handle
> m2m on some NoSQL isn't to have a separate relation, it's to maintain
> a list/set of related references.

Your right, for many situations you use lists for m2m but in general
you get problems with big lists because you would have to fetch big
entities and on App Engine you can't have more than 5000 entries in a
list. In that case you have to split the list over multiple entities.
Additionally when making queries which need filters on both models of
the m2m relation it is better to use an intermediary table with
denormalization (for example via ManyToManyField).

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