On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 11:20 PM, subs...@gmail.com <subs...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for breaking it down.
> On Mar 17, 7:45 am, Russell Keith-Magee <freakboy3...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>>  1) Don't touch the code. It's an annoying edge case, but it can be
>> caught by shortening session timeouts and making more use of
>> permissions. However, we should document the edge case with
>> login_required, as it is certainly contrary to obvious usage.
> This isn't appropriate in situations where HR wants to do a hard cut-
> off of a user's access, in the event they are terminated.
>>  2) Add a specific "requires_active_user" decorator (and maybe a
>> decorator that combines the login_required and requires_active_user
>> check)
> Eh.
>>  3) Allow login_required to take an argument that customizes the
>> 'active' check. However, the default value for this argument would
>> need to be equivalent to the current behaviour; once you start down
>> this path, there really isn't much difference between a call to
>> login_required with an 'is_active' argument, and a call to
>> user_passes_test that does the authentication and active check.
> Seems strange: "I want a user to be authenticated to use this view,
> but I don't care if they're active." I'm not sure I agree that the
> default should be the current behavior. I think in most cases this is
> an oversight that most programmers simply don't account for in their
> code--and closing this hatch is a favor and not an incompatibility
> issue. Could be wrong.

As I indicated previously in this thread, there are two use cases that
need to be handled:

 1) Normal Django authentication, honoring the is_active flag. For
this use case, you are completely correct - the current behavior is

 2) Custom authentication backends that *don't* honor the is_active
flag. This is entirely legal, and documented as such.

Unfortunately, the simple solution (add an is_active check to the
login_required decorator) is a completely valid and reasonable
solution for (1), but breaks (2). That's the sticking point.

>>  4) Work out if there is a way to refactor the login process so that
>> the decision of whether is_active is checked is deferred. I don't have
>> any great ideas how this could be done, though.
> Would it be too ugly or simplistic to have a callable
> Backend.is_active() which these backends could manipulate to their
> liking? Its flexible in the same way as get_profile(). Also, is it
> possible we're expecting too much perfection given that, as you say,
> there are legitimate proposals to refactor auth.User either way? (and
> present solutions are more or less trivial).

In principle, this sounds like the right approach. However, there are
a few implementation kinks:

 1) Backends aren't required to subclass a common base class, so we
have to assume that there will be custom backends out there that
*wont'* have an is_active check, even if we add one to ModelBackend.
This isn't a huge problem - we can work around it with a hasattr check
- but it's worth noting as something that will need to be addressed.

 2) How do you get access to the right authentication backend in the
login_required decorator? The only argument you are guaranteed to have
access to is user, and the user doesn't (currently) have a way to get
access to the backend on which they were authenticated.

Russ Magee %-)

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