On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 5:39 AM, Jari Pennanen <jari.penna...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've been trying to figure out the state of class based generic views
> without success. (Though syndication views seems to be class based now
> at least.)
> If I figured out correctly the class based generic views does not land
> on 1.2, so I was wondering are they planned to 1.3? Those are rather
> important after all...

No - class-based views didn't land in 1.2. This is one of those
features that everyone agrees is a good idea, but someone needs to
actually write the code. Jacob made the most recent attempt at an
implementation that I'm aware of [1], but as the changelog indicates,
he hasn't made any recent updates.

Syndication-based views became class-based because of the good work of
Ben Firshman. He worked up a very good patch, submitted it in time for
the feature freeze, bugged a couple of core developers for reviews,
and it was committed.

Are class-based views planned for 1.3? Well, we haven't done any
formal planning for 1.3 yet, but I'm going to guess that the 1.3 high
priority feature list will essentially be "the features that got
dropped from 1.2", so in all likelihood, yes. However, that doesn't
mean that they will definitely be in 1.3 - someone still needs to do
the implementation. If you really want class based generic views, be
like Ben and make it happen -- show us the code!.


Russ Magee %-)

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