I'm glad to see that some serious thought is going into this issue!
This proposal sound very good (to me, at least) on the whole.

One thing that occurs to me, though, is that the people who are going
to want to customize form output are very frequently going to be the
people working mostly in the templates: the designers. It looks like
you're not fully settled on the interface, but I think that exposing
it on the form class like as_* means that it's going to be difficult
for designers to customize that output.

It seems to me that one way to give designers the ability to customize
that output is to move some of that output logic out of Python and
into templates.  Widgets could load up a template from a well-known
location--something like e.g. django/widgets/textarea.html--and then
template authors could customize that by providing their own template
in that same path.  There would be some issues to sort out there, like
the fact that Django would have to install some implicit Django-
provided template directory at the end of TEMPLATE_DIRS, but I don't
think that's too onerous.

I'm not 100% sure that that's the answer, but whatever the answer is,
I think it's important to note that the target audience for
customizing form output isn't always going to be the Python

Eric Florenzano

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